
Responses from mantis-toboggan

review iPhono 2
lewm,Thanks for the congratulations and your thoughtful post. I have been lurking this website for years and always enjoy reading your posts. Not sure what was going on with having to ground the output RCA’s on the iPhono2, but it was indeed weird... 
review iPhono 2
It's really too bad that this otherwise great thread has been derailed with a bunch of sound and fury.I have been enjoying the iPhono2 immensely since my last post. I now have well over 700 hours on it, still using the Pyramid LPS. I also got the ... 
review iPhono 2
Dang, I got the fuses and they turned out to be the wrong size. It seems that the PS26KX needs the large fuse, not the small. Looks like it'll be another two week wait, but it's no big deal. So far I have had the iPhono2 burning in for 9 days and ... 
review iPhono 2
Funny how life works sometimes, I have been eyeing the PLC Thingee FX2 X0e for a while. The newer FX2 models claim to have twice the filtering capacity, and the "x0e" models have a wider spectrum of noise filtering. If you got yours at an audio sh... 
review iPhono 2
Okay, so I am playing the recorded stuff on a fiio portable player plugged into the MM input of the iPhono2, and it’s working really well. No weird noises, sounds exactly like my turntable. I’m monitoring the iPhono2’s output and it’s not clipping... 
review iPhono 2
Yeah I am thinking pulling the fan out of mine as well. It's dead cold even after hours of use. I might still buy that burn-in device so I can run in the MC stage. I wouldn't feel as comfortable using this DYI method on the MC input as I am on the... 
review iPhono 2
No worries, I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my amateur questions. I am attempting the recording right now, just to test it out, and it is recording fine. I agree there are other things that could go wrong, which crossed my mind as w... 
review iPhono 2
Interesting point about the attenuation of the output signal to get .5mv output, but just to be absolutely clear, I was talking about recording the signal coming straight from the turntable, before it ever gets to the phono preamp, so shouldn't th... 
review iPhono 2
audiofun:It's nice to see you posting a bit more frequently the past few days, I always learn a lot from your posts and enjoy benefiting from your expertise.About the power supply, it makes sense what you are saying about the phono stage modulatin... 
review iPhono 2
Nevermind, they contacted me and offered a better deal on shipping, so it wouldn’t be fair for me to bad mouth them on a public forum.I received the power supply today, and even running it with the regular fuse, I am AMAZED at the difference this ... 
review iPhono 2
Hey Audiofun, I finally ordered the Pyramid PS26KX, it should arrive in a couple of days. I'd like to follow your suggestion and put an AMR fuse in there - just wondering what type of fuse you recommend. There are two "AMR Ifi fuses" on Tweek Geek... 
review iPhono 2
Excellent, thank you very much. By the way, your first review of the original iPhono was very informative and inspiring. I had already been an owner of the iPhono for almost a year, and it kept getting better and better, then I upgraded the power ... 
review iPhono 2
After reading your thoughtful review, audiofun, I am now determined to purchase the Pyramid PS26KX. But I am wondering, how does it connect to the iPhono?? It looks like the Pyramid has banana plug-looking outs for the DC current (screw terminal...