
Responses from mannye

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
A statement devoid of explanation or scientific fact. Really?  A decent moving magnet cart can cost as little as $40 and a good one as little as $100.  If I'm just getting into vinyl and I have a $100 turntable and a bottom of the line Onkyo A/... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
To answer the title question, after reading through several pages, anyone that needs a cart under $300. Unless the "we" you refer to is hard-core hobbyists​. I wanted to add this because I hadn't seen price mentioned yet. The jump from mm to mc re... 
Yamaha GT 2000 vs new SL Need advice.
In the value arena as I search around, the cost for both the 1200G and the GT2000 may not end up being all that different. Unless I can find one here in the states, which is unlikely because you practically have to inherit one , the shipping from ... 
Good Semi-automatic Turntables ?
Just buy a tonearm lifter for $100 and buy whatever table you want. 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
So let me get this straight, in the lengthy insomnia-fueled post on page one of this thread, it was said that once some of the ICs on these 'tables broke down, that was it...doorstop.My question is that while there are good working ICs out there i... 
Yamaha GT 2000 vs new SL Need advice.
Thanks everyone.  I loved the reference to the other "dangerous" thread which has over 1000 responses! wow.   As far as other types, I have right now a Music Hall MMF-5 with the Goldring 1012GX mm cart that sounds very nice and a Sony PS-X5 which ... 
What do I buy? Klipsch vs. Definitive Technology
That was seven years ago.  I would hope he figured it out by now. 
SET amps ?
Take a look at Bottlehead. They are kits, but offer a lot more value for the money. If you can get past the "kit" aspect you will be rewarded with a great amp sounding much better than the price. Of course, getting it professionally built might pu...