
Responses from malcolmmonfort

Best amps for MBL101e's?
Dev, you seem angry. Why? Is it because two different people independently auditioned the VAC/mbl combo and came to exactly the opposite conclusion you did? Is it because one of them reached that conclusion after hearing your system? Or do you jus... 
Best amps for MBL101e's?
Hi Dev. Please help me to understand what you wrote. You're insisting these auditions never happened? Hmm...for a guy who never visited your house and auditioned your system, he sure did a great job of describing both to me. How your place looked-... 
Best amps for MBL101e's?
Thank you for asking Dev. Let me clarify the points I made. Make no mistake, the VAC is a wonderful amplifier. It just can't drive the mbls with any degree of conviction. I got a chance to listen to this combination over the course of several hour... 
Best amps for MBL101e's?
"If you really want to hear what the MBL's can do get your self a pair of VAC Statement 450 mono blocks, match made in heaven."A match made in heaven if your view of heaven is heavily compressed and dead. Of course heaven is for the dead so you ma... 
JM Labs original utopia speakers
I still own a pair of the original Utopias. Some complained that the tweeter could be a little bright. Wrong. The tweeter is extremely transparent and revealing of inferior sources, cabling, etc. If anything in your system is bright, the tweeter w... 
EMM Labs DCC2 SE vs. PS Perfectwave DAC w/bridge?
Having never heard it, I can’t speak to the Perfectwave, but you are doing your EMM DCC2 SE no favors by hooking it to a Levinson 37 transport. Nothing wrong with the Levinson per se (I used to own one) but having heard the EMM with the CDSD trans... 
Audio Consulting on fire at Munich High-End Show
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that the fire started in the amplifier sitting on the floor. Just look at the pictures. Thanks to the fast action of the fire department, nothing in the room caught fire. Most of equipment is...