
Responses from madmanbmw

new to phono.. Can I hook one up to my preamp?
Thanks so much, all your replies have been very helpful. I will have to look a bit more closely at my situation. According to Krell I will have to either choose a different preamp or add an external phono. Thanks againmadison 
new to phono.. Can I hook one up to my preamp?
Hey Marty,Is there an easy way to add a stand alone phono preamp to my system or does it just make more since to get a new preamp with a phono section. ( I am not even sure if they make units like this that stand alone.) thanks 
Mom wants a shelf system or laptop speakers..
She would rather not have a sub since the speakers need to be semi portable and there is really no floor or counter space for it. thanks for the suggestions so far! 
Help KEF 104/2 what amp do I need to drive them?
Quadophile,No, I am looking for amps on Audiogon and on ebay. Sadly there is no place around me that carries used equipment. What do people think about B&K and Adcom?madison 
Help KEF 104/2 what amp do I need to drive them?
How would a Rotel 990BX perform with these. 300 watts into 4 ohms. 
Help KEF 104/2 what amp do I need to drive them?
I dont really have to go integrated, though that is an option. A used NAD 370 integrated seems pretty appealing since I dont plan on adding a sub anytime soon. The $500 price budget was just a rough idea. I can go higher or lower if I would notice... 
Help KEF 104/2 what amp do I need to drive them?
Thanks for the advice guys. I am looking into the brands you all suggested. Does anyone else have any more advice and/or experience with these speakers? 
Help KEF 104/2 what amp do I need to drive them?
I may have a friend willing to give me a deal on the Krell 300i integrated amp. I think it is 125w per channel for stereo but other than that I do not know much.How would this do with the KEFs?thanksmadison