Responses from m20j201
Bookshelf speaker pairing with subwoofer you are probably right. My Legacy Studio HD speakers clash with the REL's and the amt tweeter is a might much. Toe in and out does not seem to help much. | |
Bookshelf speaker pairing with subwoofer I thought about the PS Audio FR5's. Are they bright at all? | |
Bookshelf speaker pairing with subwoofer Thanks for all the input. I am going to experiment with different speakers. Up first will be the Acoustic Energy AE1 active speakers. Second, I will try the low budget Triangle BR04. Then maybe the MoFi Sourcepoint 8 or 10. If I am not happy, then... | |
Bookshelf speaker pairing with subwoofer Thanks for the info on port plugging. I wonder is sealed stand mounted would be better with the subs? I forgot about the REL calculator. I will check it out. | |
Bookshelf speaker pairing with subwoofer Schiit Freya+ preamp, Orchard Audio mono 150w amps, Denafrips Gaia DDC, Denafrips Pontus 15th DAC, Shingling CD transport and Roon Rock |