

Music in the midwest (photos added)

Music in the midwest (photos added)

I ll try to take some photos and post them soon! All my equipment is housed in a dedicated listening room in my basement. The room is approximately 16’.5” x 12’ x 7’.5” and is fully enclosed with ...

A Lazy Audiophile in the Midwest

A Lazy Audiophile in the Midwest

This past week I added a new piece of source” equipment to my system - a computer built specifically for use as a music server! I made this decision based on three factors: 1. I wanted to have eas...

Transformation In Process

Transformation In Process

I'll add some photos of my system in the next week or two for all to see... The only two pieces that now remain at the nucleus my system are the McCormack amp and Magnepan speakers. The recent ad...

Discussions (Showing 5 out of 3)Posts
Tube Preamp for McCormack DNA-0.5 4
Audio Research LS7 and LS8 question 1
Best bang-for-buck purchase you have made? 61
Responses (Showing 5 out of 1)Posts
CD Player Recommendations - System sounding shrill8