
Responses from lexmark

Pathos Classic One Mark 4 coming out????
thanks guys! ok no more waiting for me then, now i have to find a used mk 3. any one want to chime in about a lavardin comparison? 
How do you hook up 2 Amplifiers? Linn Newbie
well yesterday i set it all up. 2 LK85's, the right channels of each amp driving a separate driver on the harbeths. sounded fantastic! but it only confirms that i need more power to drive the speakers, so i'm considering a mccormack or a pass alep... 
How do you hook up 2 Amplifiers? Linn Newbie
i thought so. i have k400 wire so i can biamp. Thanks! the only thing is harbeth recommends single wire setups 
Thiel CS 1.5 vs Linn Katan
darn, so it doesn't sound like a good trade up. My rig's like this:Audible Illusions L-1 Tube preamp Jolida JD-100 CD Player Linn LK-85 Amplifier X 2Linn Katan Monitor ActivREL Acoustics Storm Subwoofer Harmonic Technology Truthlinks Interconnect ... 
ProAc Tablette 50 vs Linn Katan
WOW! ProAc Zero Katan 2. It seems like the tabelettes don't have a good following or rating. Maybe I won't make the move. I just have the bug for change but want to make a wise move. Thanks for you information! 
Linn amp and REL sub
extra action, did you ever connect this? with the rel sub, you have the neutrix connector that has 3 wires. check out rel.net for the instructions. 1 wire to black and 1 wire to red on the right speaker, then the yellow wire goes to the left speak... 
Linn Katan vs Linn Keilidh
Lugnut...you can do activ with another brand pre? tube too? what do you have? 
Solid Speaker Stands for NHT Super Zero Speakers
interesting...how much for your stands? 
Solid Speaker Stands for NHT Super Zero Speakers
Hello,what did you decide on for your stands? 
Hello!first off, this is a set of Katans, not Kans. my concern is the cross over points. If I were to use the REL recommended way of set up, i would be crossing over at about 35 hz. however, my active katans go down to 60, so there must be a gap o...