Anyone use a sub with Reference 3A DaCapo i | goatwuss | 5804 | 10 | |
Should I try the Cambridge Audio 640p? | leftyfox | 7314 | 11 | |
Wadia 830 or Cambridge 840C | leftyfox | 5577 | 6 | |
Speakers to match PrimaLuna Prologue 2 | leftyfox | 6535 | 7 | |
Power amp for ARC SP-6 | leftyfox | 3024 | 7 | |
Is Audio Research SP-6 considered a good model? | 76doublebass | 33267 | 14 | |
Plinius 9200 or separates? | jkuc | 9279 | 8 | |
Anybody familiar with the Tandberg TD 310 Cassette | 213cobra | 4636 | 8 | |
Appearance of Totem Forest | dave_b | 8401 | 22 | |
Cables with Forest Totems | leftyfox | 4873 | 5 | |
Exposure 2010S CD player | sonicnirvana | 4527 | 1 | |
Trying to audition Plinius in NYC | leftyfox | 6680 | 10 | |
Advice on pricing old Audio Research pieces | jafox | 3937 | 10 | |