
Responses from ledward

What makes a $20,000 cd player cost 20,000?
There's an unfortunate trend in this country to equate value with cost. Because a component cost a mint, audiophiles believe it must be far better than one more reasonably priced. I believe many manufacturers capitalize on this belief. They know a... 
Review: Marsh Sound Design A-400s Amplifier
The Marsh is indeed a great sounding amp when it works. I bought mine from a fellow Audiogoner. I was delighted until the first breakdown.Unfortunately, as I subsequently found not only is the amplifier subject to frequent breakdowns, but, worse, ... 
++++StereoPhile Class A components+++++
I've nothing against advertisers or even reviewers who write up advertisers products as long as they make it clear that their reviews are biased. After all, no one, no matter how ethical and honest, will quarrel with his or her kind providers. Whe... 
Amp shopping - recommendations anyone?
Frankly, I'd go for Musical Fidelity amp/preamp the 3.2 series. The two will cost you about what you want to spend on the amp alone, and you can put the rest of your money into music. I've had far more expensive equipment so I can tell you that Mu... 
++++StereoPhile Class A components+++++
Stereophile is in the business of selling (generally) high-priced, many would say highly overpriced, high-end gear. Why? Simple! A magazine's profits come from advertisers, generally, from my experience in the magazine business, in the ratio of 60...