
Responses from larry_k

KRELL SACD or TEAC Esoteric DV-50
I now am using a Pioneer DVD 59avi as a transport with a Musical Fidelity Tri Vista DAC 21.Very musical, warm with 96 upsampling, not warm with 192 upsampling. Very detailed with both.Although it is not broken in, I am very impressed. So far, I ju... 
KRELL SACD or TEAC Esoteric DV-50
I owned the Teac.Overall it is a very good machine.I sold it because for my tastes, its sonic signature was slightly cold.I have tube equipment and prefer a more musical sound. 
KRELL SACD or TEAC Esoteric DV-50
I am in the market for a DV-50. What are your thoughts on it's strengths and weaknesses.Thanks,Larry