

Responses from lanceo

Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
I believe the content of this thread has reached a level of metaphysical drivel that I find untenable.  So, before I retreat to the comfort of the informed discussion on AudioKarma, I ask the new or casual reader to heed these few tips:DO NOT purc... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
@erik_squires :  Much different situations effecting the changes in these devices: Speakers, being electromechanical devices, will change continuously (usually for the worse).  I remember an old Western Electric film (yes film, not a video) showin... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
Ah, the the resurgence of the Post Modern World Vision.  My goodness, I hope not...  "The bounds of science can not contain the human mind" (Toynbee).  Well hifiman5, your hero was also credited with the quote, Civilizations die from suicide, not ... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
"Break in" implies there is change, as in a perceived improvement.  To effect that change it follows there must be a physical change to a passive component operating well below it's design limitations... in this case the wire.  DON'T BE RIDICULOUS... 
Subwoofer Recommendations for Audiophile Monitors
Gentlemen,I wish to thank all of you for the excellent advice. I managed (after considerable pleading) to audition my dealer’s STRATA. This subwoofer is (and has been for quite some time) a fixture in his Vandersteen demonstration system. After be... 
Subwoofer Recommendations for Audiophile Monitors
Gentlemen,I am very appreciative of your recommendations; however, there is one overwhelming problem… REL “ST” series subs are no longer available to my dealer. Fact is, he has ordered every single sub listed on the Sumiko Audio web site, and he c... 
cartridge for Sota Comet
Folks,I have been lurking through this entire repartee, but I felt that I should respond before someone makes a decision based on erroneous information. My point is that the X5 will do quite nicely with 38db. I say this because I have one in my Co...