
Responses from laffer

Amp for Dahlquist DQ-10
I've thought that going the subwoofer route would be appealing with the DQ-10s. That way I could avoid the second 555. Do you think that the Dahlquist subs are key, or would another quality sub do the job? 
Amp for Dahlquist DQ-10
Thanks for the feedback. Based on what I've learned from this thread, and some additional research, I'm currently leaning toward adding a GFP 750. It looks like I'll have to spend $600 - $800 if I go this route, but it'll be worth it. While the Cr... 
Amp for Dahlquist DQ-10
Any thoughts on the GFP 565 vs the GFP 750? Cost seems to be about $300 vs $750. I'd want to consider spending the extra $ if it was a significant improvement.I did see a CJ PF1 in the $4-500 range, but I'm concerned that an older tube pre amp mig... 
Amp for Dahlquist DQ-10
Thanks for your comments. The pre-amp upgrade seems to make a lot of sense. I've often admired the sound but never developed the knowledge to be confident in this area. I'll research Timlub's recommendation on tube pre-amps. Adding a second 555 is...