
Responses from kujocku

Treasure KT120z vs NOS GEC KT88
Thank you for your responses, has anyone heard the KT120z treasures? 
Leben CS600 owners, what tubes have you rolled?
Thanks to all for responding, Notec, the 6L6GCs you mentioned were they RCA Blackplates from the 60s? Also Arj your tubes sound like they are burning in nicely, keep us updated if there are further changes. 
Leben CS600 owners, what tubes have you rolled?
I appreciate all your responses. Arj, please give us an update when more burn in time happens on your KT120s. Notec, what are some of the tubes you have rolled? Thanks Neil 
LM audio or LEBEN help
Bolero, I agree with Notec. If you have not yet changed the stock Sovtek tubes that could be your problem. Google Jim McShane tubes and then E-mail him. Tell him your concerns and he'll turn you on to the right set of quads to make your CS600 come...