
Responses from kubala_sosna

Kubala-Sosna & Meitner Emm Labs Gets my top Vote
Thank you all again for the kind comments, and for the positive comparisons to some of the best cables available ... 
Speaker cable vs. interconnect cable length
Our experience would indicate that short speaker cables/ long interconnects will out-perform long speaker cables/ short interconnects almost every time. The circumstances under which one can "get away with" long speaker cables would be in a system... 
Question about double run cables
Our listening tests indicate that this can be very effective - I would think it is worth a shot. Since it is "different" ... just be sure to have the ability to return them if you are not satisfied.Yours in Music, 
Meitner DCC2 vs. Analog - Opinions Please
If you are going to be at CES this year, you will able to hear the DCC2/CDSD combo in room 2161 in Alexis Park 
power cord replacement...source or amp first?
While they can help on any component, our experience is that they are most effective on transports/DACs/Phono Stages - then Pre-amps - then amps. Depending on the quality of the power supplies etc in your equipment, you do have to try for yourself... 
Kubala-Sosna cables?
Regarding break-in ...Most of our cables, especially the RevolutionZ Series (Fascination-Expression-Emotion), do not require especially long break-in times. We feel they are bascially ready to listen to out of the box; are pretty much broken-in at... 
Review: Kubala-Sosna Emotion Interconnects Interconnect
Thank you all for the thoughtful commentaries and comparisons. It is heart-warming to read the Emotion (could not resist that one :o) in your remarks regarding your experiences with our products!We are thrilled that you feel our cables are helping... 
Kubala-Sosna & Meitner Emm Labs Gets my top Vote
I would like to thank you all for sharing your experiences with Kubala-Sosna cables! The time and efforts to explore the performance envelope for any product and share it in this manner helps everyone (audiophiles and manufacturers) appreciate whe... 
No one cares this is the anniversary?
A very dear uncle of mine passed away a few months back. He was part of D-Day as a member of Patton's tank division; endured the Battle of the Bulge; somehow survived the tank destroyer he was in being blown up a couple of times; saw the entire Eu...