
Responses from konghh

Integrated to replace krell 300i
I like the views from your window. Coming back to hifi. I don't have much experience but what I would do is:1. Put some carpet between the speakers and you.2. Remove the picture frame behind you.3. Pull the curtain shut.If there are improvement, t... 
Intergrateds: Classe,Krell,Bryston.......
Hi. You hasn't mentioned what speakers and music you are using it with. If you needed power, the Krell 400xi would be give you the power you needed. It has lots of details, transparency, neutrality and dynamic. As for musicality, well, different p... 
RS Audio Illume Interconnect inquiry
Hi. I have a borrowed pair of KCAG and was thinking of getting the RS Audio Solid Silver with gold plated RCA plug. I really liked the KCAG but did find it makes a smaller soundstage especially the width. I would very much like to hear Jond's view... 
Which speaker for Musical Fidelity a3.2 ?
Hi. Purely going by spec alone. If the A3.2 only have 140-watts at 4-ohm, you can forget about the Magneplanar 1.6QR unless you are in a pretty small room. Not enough power. 
Plinius 9200 Driving Magnepan 3.6Rs
IMO, the Plinius 8200 was a good match except for 2 things, namely relative lack of power in a large room but I think a smaller room might be o.k. Secondly, the Plinius might be a tad slow.The Krell integrated are better because it addressed the 2... 
Plinius 9200 Driving Magnepan 3.6Rs
Hi Mac, have you tried and compared the Krell (specifically the 400xi) and the Innersound ESL300? If yes, would very much like to hear your comment esp. the midrange. Thanks. 
Plinius 9200 Driving Magnepan 3.6Rs
Hi. I had a Plinius 8200mk1 and was using it with the 1.6QR. I have a large room (20x21x9) made even "larger" with opening to one side and it's very taxing for the amp. The 8200 doesn't have enough power so even if your 9200 is more powerful, I se... 
Krell KSA80B with Sonus Faber Concerto Home....
Hi. Heard the SF Concerto with Plinius integrated. Very good match. 
SS Amp for Triangle Speakers
Hi. I have not really heard the Triangle but suspect they are like the other French speaker that I have, Cabasse Farella. Sensitive, 4-ohms, EXTREMELY fast and dynamic. If they are alike, then I can say for certain they match with most tube amplif... 
How to do tube biasing for my Jadis Orch. Ref Amp?
Hi. Off topic. I have once heard Jadis Orchestra EL34 tubes with Concertino. Absolutely fantastic sound quality but under-powered. May I ask is the JOR powerful enough for the Concerto?AFAIK, the JO do not have auto biasing. Someone once send me a... 
Speakers for vocalists
I am a bit surprised that nobody mentioned Sonus Faber. I have a Magnaplanar 1.6QR someone mentioned here(very good, very natural with excellent texture). Heard the Avantgarde Uno horn (fantastic presence like you are amongst the musician, literal... 
Help. A box beats my Maggie
Hi Phil, I too felt that the 8200mk1 is a tad underpowered and it is very obvious when playing some CD that tends to have lower signal. Before I bought the 8200, I have surfed and asked and even read a Stereophile reviews saying that it has suffic...