
Responses from knottyhead

Whats on your turntable tonight?
Natalie Merchant's beguiling "TigerLily". It is so well written and performed that it keeps finding a way into my transport. An enchanting mixture of songwriting, performance and wry humor. 
Shunyata Snakebite
I have a snake bite and it has been a welcome addition to my system. Started out a little dark, after about a week it just opened up. Not to bright, doesn't draw attention to itself, just provides a clearer window into a performance. The snake bit... 
Power cords for Linn amps.
I have a Linn kairn and have experienced exceptional results with a shunyata snake bite power cable. However, I would strongly recommend, if at all possible, considering a dedicated line (20 amp) for your system if you don't already have one. Then... 
what are the best couple of cassandra wilson cd's
"Blue Skies" and "New Moon Daughter" show this artist's gifts in a varied manner and provide a clear sample of her development and stupendous talent. I have her complete catalog and am drawn to different recording during various moods. Her talente... 
Best Male Singers of the 20th Century
Ah, what a travesty to have such a superb list grow without the inclusion of the sublime Luther Vandross. I know many of the contributors regard soul/rb as hardly worthy of mention but the cannon of work by this artist demands inclusion. I defy an... 
If You Could Only Keep 3-CD's LP's , Which Ones?
This is a tough one. I'll stay in one genre. 1st, On The Sunny Side of the Street" Count Basie and Ella Fitzgerald; 2nd, Cassandra Wilson "Blue Moon Daughter" and 3rd, Bob Marley's "Uprising"