
Responses from kidgreen

The Most Philosophical Song You Ever Heard
Xtc Dear God 
Matching a Spectral DMA 180 with a preamp that is not Spectral
I did post this before but could not find it so I figured there might be some new insight. 
mate for Spectral amp that is not Spectral
Thanks for your thoughts. That is of course my ideal but I have been looking for over a year and have come up empty. Had a line on a dmc-5 but no cash. Now I have the cash but no opportunity. 
mate for Spectral amp that is not Spectral
Love my revox!! Needs a new cartridge and balancing. Do you know who does that? 
mate for Spectral amp that is not Spectral
Thanks so much for your thoughts. I have a line on an Audio Research at $600 so the top of my range but I was not sure the Spectral will play nicely as it is somewhat picky, right?