
Responses from kgtunes

Seeking advice for speakers for my Family Room
@auxinput Hmm, interesting. I will be using the receiver's amp section to power at least the surrounds. I would love to buy the older 77xx range processors, but I worry about HDMI 2.1 @soundmd I have taken a look at Anthem's ARX line but they hav... 
Seeking advice for speakers for my Family Room
@auxinput @searchingforthesound @soundmd @sandthemall @fleschler @maxwave  @b_limo @larry5729  Thinking ahead a bit. Let's say i have done some room treatments (rugs, acoustic panel or 2 on the side wall, covering the windows with thick drapes, ... 
Seeking advice for speakers for my Family Room
@maxwave No way the wife allows that. But are you saying to put the screen at the back of the room so that the listening position/area is NO LONGER OPEN to the kitchen? I think the kitchen being open is the reason I do NOT get a slap echo in the ... 
Seeking advice for speakers for my Family Room
@fleschler No worries. Current issue is just that the speakers sound too bright (even for Klipsch). I have tried Klipsch, KEF and Polk, all of them sounding bright/harsh at higher volumes. There is a little slap echo on the adjacent section of th... 
Seeking advice for speakers for my Family Room
@auxinput Thanks, looking into rugs now.  @fleschler @maxwave As I mentioned in my OP, I am NOT an audiophile nor am I looking at this room to be my critical listening area. All I am trying to do is to have some extended listening sessions at hig... 
Seeking advice for speakers for my Family Room
Thanks for all the inputs, all! Speaker, speaker position: I think I am leaning towards the Lumina V's which have the reflex port on the bottom i.e. down firing. So, I am thinking I will place these further apart, as you all have suggested, basi... 
Seeking advice for speakers for my Family Room
@carlsbad yes, that is exactly what I intend to do down the road.... @vinylvin I do have the Polks all the way around in my media room, I was going to try and bring those down to the Family Room and try them out.. @auxinput  Will look into Maran... 
Seeking advice for speakers for my Family Room
@auxinput Thanks, that's exactly what I was thinking/heard that in terms of warmth: Sonus Faber > Wharfedale > KEF > Klipsch in the 3 speaker brands I was considering/looking at. This is also what I have experienced first hand in my room.... 
Seeking advice for speakers for my Family Room
Thanks for the quick responses @maxwave and @ditusa . I was afraid of those answers :-( Room treatments are a tough sell for the wifey....but I do intend to put blinds on all the windows, add a few paintings etc...maybe a larger rug etc.. I am ...