
Responses from kevinwu

Amp for Wilson Watt Puppy 7
I own WP7's and have been enjoying them immensely with Ayre K1-x pre/phono and the Ayre V5 125w SS amp. I have them in a 18 x 15' room. this combo (with Goldmund 18d uni player or my SME 30/2a + helikon as sources) is just amazingly lifelike, dyna... 
Am I being fair?
I think if you say "or best offer" that can also absulutely imply that the best offer might be higher than the original number - and you can put the offer to folks in order. it depends on how you word it of course. 
as always YMMV ! the room matters, the speakers matter - the type of cable matters. i have had the best experience of my entire audiophile product career matching spectral pre (dmc20 Mk II) with the SDR2000 and SDR3000Pro with a krell FPB600c, MIT... 
Aerial Acoustics 10t vs 7b vs 6
I own 10ts and have really enjoyed them. they are a great all-arounder: they can play subtle close-miked jazz records, rock out and also do acoustics very well. tight, fast bass and a sweet midrange for voices and piano, trumpet and guitar. the sp...