
Responses from kayoboy

Need to steer away from Bryston amp added to AVR
I was only echoing Swampwalker's post that the internal preamp of the receiver could limit whatever improvement any amp you get. By the way there is a Classe integrated listed for $900 that might fit your needs and still use the receiver for 5.1 
Need to steer away from Bryston amp added to AVR
Have you considered an integrated amp? Unless you are using the Denon other than two channel, maybe you can get something for it and raise your budget alittle bit for let say a Plinius, Ayre or Classe integrated. 
Hum in preamp when using HT bypass
Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. I tried to disconnect my coax to my satellite box and hum is stll there. I removed all my connectors one by one still there. Finally I switched the input from HT bypass to another input in my preamp and ... 
Hum in preamp when using HT bypass
Thanks Mitch for your reply but will this happen if I have 2 dedicated lines and the preamp and amp are plugged in one line while my video and digital is in the other line as I have right now. 
Why no Dolby on Proceed PAV
The PAV is an analog preamp. How are you connecting it to the dvd player? It should be connected to the PAV's audio inputs ie, VCR1 VCR2, left and right channels. If you are doing this already and still you can only play stereo then your unit has ... 
What does your common sense tell you?
From what I understand in the Audiogon rules, the seller and the buyer has 24 hrs to make the deal once the process was initiated by the buyer. Please correct me if I am wrong.