

Responses from kayleerex1

Class A into Class AB
Since amplifiers typically operate at lower output levels than their power ratings, the higher the class A wattage rating, the more it operates in class A, so there is or can be an advantage for higher class A ratings in an otherwise class A/B amp... 
A 60 year old turntable design is still going strong!
I have a Thorens TD-125 with Shure SME 3009 tonearm that I purchased on R&R in Hong Kong in 1969 for $250 U.S. and a Miracord 50H changer purchased in a Marine Corps exchange on Okinawa in that same year.The Thorens/Shure has a Hana M MC cartr... 
I underestimated the impact a new cartridge would have
I started out in the 1960s and '70s with MM cartridges including a top of the line Shure V-15.  Using first a Garrard changer, then Miracord 50H, and, bought in Hong Kong on R&R in 1969, a Thorens TD 125 turntable with Shure SME 3009 tonearm, ... 
Same watts at 8 and 4 ohms?
While it is true that 'speaker sensitivity plays a role in required amplifier power, it is also true that amplifier power capability plays a role in distortion.  An amplifier will exhibit lower distortion at low output levels than at high output l...