
Responses from jvonoldershausen

Restored my dads R2R but no tape loop on integrated
@elliottbnewcombjr I was looking into the RLC-1 this weekend and got turned onto passive preamps. I like the idea of using dual mono step attenuators (like Khozmo products) as a method of adjusting for channel imbalance. Lots to consider in gettin... 
Restored my dads R2R but no tape loop on integrated
@fuzztone Test mono record is a good idea for understanding offset but again, the imbalance is never consistent across records so i think finding a baseline adjustment on R2R wouldn’t work in my case.The reason for suspecting something other than ... 
Restored my dads R2R but no tape loop on integrated
@fuzztone ok i will keep that in mind! 
Restored my dads R2R but no tape loop on integrated
@elliottbnewcombjr So much good info! I got lucky with the model being what it is, he also apparently had a Revox that saw more use so the tape heads on this one have very light wear. Appreciate the offer on tape, I discussed with the technician a... 
Restored my dads R2R but no tape loop on integrated
@fuzztone Thanks for clarifying. So basically having inputs/outputs connected to selector switch will lead to feedback (even if inaudible) and if I were to accidentally record with the selector set to R2R output this could cause damage.I don’t thi... 
Restored my dads R2R but no tape loop on integrated
@fuzztone I didn't consider having to disconnect r2r output as well during recording. If the phonostage is connected directly to the r2r and i'm monitoring with headphones while still outputting to my integrated i figured i would hear nothing when...