
Responses from jormungand

When and how did you, if at all, realize vinyl is better?
I got into the lp culture when i was 15 by winning a raffle that gave me 7 lps of my choice. My collection ballooned from there. At university i went to a hifi show and bought my first turntable, amp and speakers. When my engineering friends intro... 
Ayon auris or a vac renaissance mk5 preamp
Thanks andrei_nz, useful info. I have heard the eris , its lovely and i assume the auris is a similar family sound.  
VTL 2.5i preamp and solid state amp match
I have an older  2.5 that i run with a plinius sa250 mk3. I think it is a marraige made in heaven. Fast, clean and dynamic. Bass is great but dies depend on speakers. Note i did tube roll and use RTF french U7s. A bargain