
Responses from johnymac

Canadian tariffs, duties, etc?
I sold a nice cd player to a gentleman in Canada, back in November, a fellow member here in Audiogon. I used FedEx ground. If the buyer does not pay these fees the shipper is responsible. I just got a bill yesterday, for almost $60.00. I sold at a... 
Replacing sound proofing in cabniets
I like the idea of adding Acoustic foam/low density foam.Can anyone tell me the best place to buy this? My replacement drivers should be on their way soon and am hoping to replace the old material ASAP.Thanks!! 
Replacing sound proofing in cabniets
After doing some research, I see there is acoustic foam. I also see some sort of egg carton liner.Has anyone used these?I was told that some felt carpet pad would do the trick.I like the insulation idea, but would thing that the fibers might event... 
Replacing sound proofing in cabniets
These speakers are vented. Someone suggested home carpet felt pad. As far as what frequency, I have no idea?? 
Ohm I speaker upgrade??
I appreciate all this information. I want to thank you all very much!When I read unsound's reply. I searched the archives and came up with nothing, so I wrote him. I am thinking of replacing all the drivers, so will cost me just over a grand. Just... 
Do I really need a crossover when running 2 amps?
Ok, say I get a crossover. Do I have to do anyhting to the crossover in the speaker? Thanks to all that reply! 
Opera Audio Consonance ref 2.2 owners?
First I would like to thank all of you that replied.I was considering the Prima before the ref 2.2. I read the reviews, spoke to a sales person that sells both to get a his opinion and went with the ref 2.2. I should also add, I was considering a ... 
How to Bi-amp??
I guess I should of included, I have a Audio Research SP9 MKII preamp, I beleieve I just have a main output.This was just a thought. I hate to use a cheap Y connector. Thanks for the replies!! 
Opera Audio Consonance ref 2.2 owners?
I found out today that the silver remote is the new one. It replaces the black one. I also found out the wood on the top is correct. Just a real light cherry type wood used.Still like to hear from any owners on how their "burn in" went.Thanks. 
Opera Audio Consonance ref 2.2 owners?
I would also like to include. I see the remote that comes with this unit as having one button that mirrors the control on the player. My remote is silver about the size of a deck of cards. It has many tiny black buttons that control the functions....