Responses from johnny
Pass Labs X-1 -VS- Adcom GFP-750 Preamp I auditioned a GFP 750 with my Aleph 5 and thought it was only fair. I purchased an ARC LS-15, which I very happy with. | |
Matching preamp for Pass Labs Aleph 5 Getting in late here, but I use an Audio Research LS-15 run balanced into my Aleph 5. Each of these products can be had for around $1500 on Audiogon, so they also make a nice pair from a price consideration.I auditioned this combo directly against... | |
What tonearms $1500 work well with the Linn? Johnnantais- shorts are calm. Since one can't listen to everything, opinions about where to start from other enthusiasts are useful - but sometimes they seem to conflict, and I need a little clarification to help avoid the dreaded "buyer's remorse... | |
What tonearms $1500 work well with the Linn? Twl-I need further education-I take it that unipivots don't work well with certain cartridge types? What are the limitations - cartridge weight, compliance, MM vs. MC or ? | |
What tonearms $1500 work well with the Linn? Thanks, everyone - I'll keep my eyes out for a used Aro or Ekos, and failing that I'll check out the Clearaudio Unify. |