

Responses from johnchristian

Best double live vinyl?
Little Feat   
My Mark Levinson preamp dying - looking for new preamp, sound as good, wont break bank
If you like your Levinson, I'd contact Jeffery A.Jackson at www.precisionaudiolabs.com. Jeff is an impeccably honest man and has done beautiful work on SS and tube equipment for me. He can most likely rejuvenate your ML for a fraction of the cost ... 
Which is REALLY the best Conrad Johnson Preamp
I certainly yield to the more experienced voices here, but I enjoyed the Classic 2, which has been replaced by the Premier 3; both into Premier 11a. This is my first tube system after years of quality SS/MOSFET. For my ears the tubes are a better ... 
My Amp is Broken - Not Sure What to Do - Any Recommendations?
Contact Jeff Jackson at lktrnx@gmail.com. He's a great guy and will give you the straight scoop on realistic options. Good luck!  
Still looking for speakers in the 10-20,000 range
If you don't mind spending less money, consider the Tekton Design Upgraded Double Impact or other choices from Tekton. I switched from ProAc Response 2.5s + Sub to considerable improvement. I have not heard all of the others mention in the thread,... 
Power Conditioner Advice please...
soma70,I'm not an "expert", nor a shill; in fact I was a little skeptical about power conditioning as a concept. However, like you, and I assume many others, I noticed a marked improvement in sound in the wee hours, so I tried a power conditioner ... 
Greatest Rock Drummers
Lots of great artists here, not to dismiss any; and I get it that some may argue that Little Feat was not a rock band, but my guy is/was Richie Hayward; may he rest in peace.