
Responses from jntraveler

TT, 12" Tonearm. Who tried and ended up preferring 12" arm?
I’ve gone through too many tonearms to list, beginning with the old Garrard articulated arm, through Transcriptors, VPI, Unipivot and Graham. For a while, my vote went to the JMW Memorial 10.5-inch arm for its price, straightforward setup, ease of... 
Considering simplifying my system... talk me down (or whatever)
This comes a little late in the discussion, but as they say, better late...When I retired at 70, I too faced the reality of 40 years of upgrading, tweaking and adjusting my music system. I ended up with what I considered an extraordinary system fo... 
Magnepan 3.7i Amplifiers Aesthetix or Modwright? Thoughts?
I’ve been powering my older 3.6 Maggies for 10 years with a pair of Bryston 7BSTs (a long time for me to stay with the same components). Aside from the well known, slightly weak low bass (compensated for in my system with an REL Stentor sub), the ...