
Responses from jjcheng188

FIM 880
Thanks for the recommendation! Just ordered two porter ports to give them a try. Thanks for the rec! 
Reference strada one or two subs?
Great thoughts, thanks! I have one sub right center and I'm planning to put the second left center. I have the one sub on high-pass and will do the same for the second. unfortunately 120hz is the highest my t1 will go but so far I'm pretty apply w... 
Reference strada one or two subs?
Thanks guys for the advice and help. I will check out your review and hope it gives me some new ideas. 
One sub or two?
Just wondering for those rel owners with 2 subs, when you hook up via high-level inputs only, doesn't that mean that both subs are outputting the identical sound? In order to achieve true stereo do the subs also have to receive low-level inputs fr... 
Reference strada one or two subs?
Just posting some followup. I raised my cutoff to 110hz and repositioned my sub right center and properly coupled it to the floor beneath the carpet using spikes. Also moved the right strada into the corner, approx 1 foot from the back wall and 1.... 
Reference strada one or two subs?
Many thanks for the warning on qc issues. I will look and test carefully for sure. 
Reference strada one or two subs?
Really helpful. Thanks. Assuming its a linear scale and starting at 30 and ending at 180hz then a crossover around 12:30 should equate to something like 110hz or so it seems. My rel goes up to 120hz so I may try that first. Currently it's set arou... 
Reference strada one or two subs?
Many thanks for your helpful comments and experience. How do you have the tr3s wired and what are your settings for the crossover?