

Responses from jimmiejamie

Buying used audio equipment in peron in Canada
be  honest , declare  and  confirm  with  a  bill of  sale, it  is  basically  a  tax that  has  to  be  paid, USA, an Canadian  customs  are  also  there  to  help/assist  you,  any  doubts  call  your closest  customs  office. good  luck.   
new Parasound A21+ vs my old Rotel RB-1080
i own  parasound A21+ ,  w  naim 272 pre, and  totem forrest signature  speakers. could  not  be  happier!  the  parasound A21+   will be  huge step  up. the  amp  does everything  well.  good  luck  jm   
Question for Atma-sphere, will expensive power cables improve your amplifiers?
yes ! cables  make  huge  difference. i  have  parasound a21+  ive  replaced standard power  cord  with Nordost, "heimdal"  power  cord. also  use  Nordost rca "heimdal"  between naim pre amp,  and  power amp  , best  thing  is  to  ask your local... 
  if you  can , check out totem forest  signatures ,   pair  well  with  Bryston amps, good  luck  
Karen Carpeneter died 42 years ago.
just an amazng  voice. she  is  truly  missed  by  everyone .   
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore?
yes  Radio Garden      has  every  radio station in  the  world  available,   
Power supply for ethernet switch?
i  use    Fidelizer               into shunyata v 10 , works  great   
Declare the correct value on the Customs form?
declare  exact  value , and  declare  exact price  you  paid, (called fraud  if  you dont  declare  exact  dollar  amounts)  Dont mess  with US  customs,  they  will  catch  you, if  you  have  any  doubts , just  call  nearest US  customs  office... 
Anyone else ever deal with Tidal "support"?
Awful , there is  zero customer service . just cancelled  , went back to  spotify.  
What is your top sexy song?
'je'taime moi non plus    Jane Birkin /serge gainsbrough   
What was the first power cable that you noticed a difference in the sound?
nordost  Heimdall works  for  me   
Ethernet Switch Recommendations Please
i use fidelizer  ethernet  switch,  couldnt  be happier , chek em out    Fidelizer.Audio    make  nice  products.   good  luck jm  
Need separates for MA Gold 100. Alternatives to Parasound P6/A21+, please!
hi nick, i had budget for,  parasound a21+, with  naim 272 pre,  totem  speakers.  very happy with  result. rotel  is also  excellent brand.   good luck  
Totem Forrest or Vandersteen 3A Sig?
im happy with my forrest signatures,(they  do  everything )  that said  vandersteen company have  sold  80000 pairs of the 2ce!  id  go  with  the  speaker  that  sounds  best  to  your  ears. hopefully  you  can  get  in home  demonstration