
Responses from jimjones

Who is the WORST Audio Shop?
Here is one in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada.Creative Audio. Naim / Martin Logan / Regga dealer.Walked into the store dressed in Jeans and a cap and a Norton Motorcycle t shirt..I was pretty well barricaded at the front door till I explained what I was... 
Manley Chinook or Zesto Andros 1.2
I have a Zesto 1.2 and a Cadenza black running with a SP10/EPA100 arm all through MAC Tube gear and Tannoy 15 inch Monitor Golds in GRF cabs. All I can say is killer pairing. Sounds wonderful.Buy the Zesto and use the 2m till you can afford the Ca... 
Experiences buying used cartridges
Well I am that Guy that bought a EPC -100 Technics cart from Greg / Victor or whatever his name is this week at GRG. Here is how this guy works. First off, if you have a problem he pulls the stall tactic until you are past the point of a pay pal r...