

Responses from jgdill

Seeking Bookshelf Recommendations
I have the Fritz Carrera BE's..  I bought the Pulsar graphene's to upgrade from the Fritz's.  The Pulsars sounded really good, but for the price difference, it didn't seem to be that much of an upgrade. I traded the Pulsars in for the Perspective ... 
Fritz Carerra BE.   
Help fine-tune my speaker search
Another one for Fritz.  Specifically the carerra BE  
Need suggestions on efficient book shelf speakers for a Pass Labs XA3.5
Fritz Carrera BE’s. They are special.   
Fritz vs CSS vs Ryan
I'm a recent owner of the Fritz Carrera BE's.   I could not be happier.  Fritz is a great guy and loves talking speakers. I'm a big fan of the beryllium tweeter.  Highly recommended. Mine took 50+ hours to break in, and I still think they're not d... 
Anthem STR Power Amp vs Parasound JC5
I just upgraded from the A21+ to the JC5.  The JC5 is phenomenal.  A clear step up from the A21+, which is a great amp. I was expecting a difference with the cost being almost double, but it's more than I thought.  Paired with the Fritz Carreras.  
Attractive Bookshelf - Under $3k
I just received the Fritz Carrera 7 BE’s a couple weeks ago, they are finished in striped ebony. They look and sound fantastic, especially after they break in. They sound much bigger than a bookshelf. Fritz is great to deal with, very helpful. He’... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Rodger Hodgson - Open the Door.On vinyl, outstanding.