
Responses from jfpmft

Repair or Replace ???
I purchased the Oppo 105 and had it modified by Modwright. As a result, I get the best sound I ever had from my CD/SACD collection. Best investment I ever made. I know that the Oppo 105 is an overkill since it will read BluRays. I have no need for... 
Repair or Replace ???
Beware Esoteric! I had purchased an Esoteric D-05 and P-05 used from an Audiogoner. It was good but just that. The P-05 after several years developed problems with the transport unit and it affected SACDs. Some it refused to play at all. So I call... 
Designer Hall of Fame
Israel BlumeDan WrightPhil Jones (loudspeaker designer v.g. Soliloquy)To name a few to start with... 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
My Coincident Frankensteins II definitely!