
Responses from jerryko

For those of you who have Piega speakers...
I am running a pair of Piega C3 LTD with Viva Solista Lt, a 18w tube integrated from italy. I enjoy the sound a lot. I think it has the best tweeter I have ever heard. I am also curious about what other amps (ss or tube) could make Piega sing? Ayr... 
Analog Tuner Existence.....
here is something that I don't really get it. most FM stations these days play music from computer harddrives in MP3 and other compressed formats. What's the point of having a high-end tuner and perfect signal reception if the source quality is po... 
What SS amps would work well with Shindo preamp?
Thank you for your advice. The input impedence of the Accuphase is 20 ohm, does it allow input adjustment? Being a tube preamp, Auriege has a high output impedence... What's your expereince matching the impedence? 
New Linn Majik-i or Naim Nait 5i with Linn Ninkas
I would upgrade the Linn Ninka first. At the same price range, try a pair of Audio Physic Yara or Spark, a pair of Harbeth HL P3E, or a pair of Dali Ikon 6. All of them are way better Ninka. I have owned a pair of Ninka for 3 years and during whic...