
Responses from jerry2021

Audio Mirror vs Prima Luna tube DAC
Agreed. Only way one will know for sure is bring DACs into one’s own home and compare. Figure out sound you like (warm & lush VS detailed & analytical or whatever), set a price limit, use other peoples’ recommendations to narrow down your ... 
Audio Mirror vs Prima Luna tube DAC
Best bang for my buck I ever spent on audio related stuff (a book): have no affiliation with the author Jim Smith. For less than $50 his book is a no brainer. Smith’s advice: other than speakers, your ROOM make... 
Audio Mirror vs Prima Luna tube DAC
The vast majority of online reviews are from folks with some vested interest in whatever DAC they are reviewing- paid reviewer who's not going to trash a product OR already own the product. Torq & Hands over at superbestaudiofriends seem like ... 
Audio Mirror vs Prima Luna tube DAC
cal3713, you’ve got the right idea. I set a $3K ceiling and tried 2 DACs.Lowered ceiling to $2K and tried the QuTest (often called DAC to beat under 2K). Tried QuTest and ruled it out (no difference again).How’ed I arrive at Schiit Gumby? Just lik... 
Audio Mirror vs Prima Luna tube DAC
Nope, nothing at all wrong with sound in my system. I have a 2nd similar system (Magnepan, PrimaLuna, Rel, Rotel cd player). I want to replace the cd player with computer/dac so I have playlist flexibility, thus the search for a 2nd DAC. Keep read... 
Audio Mirror vs Prima Luna tube DAC
I’ve now demo’ed a Chord Qutest against my Rega. Same result. Qutest at best matches the Rega. Rega is slightly louder which most likely gives it the advantage.  There’s really not much in the chain to go wrong (unless iTunes Player is somehow aff... 
Audio Mirror vs Prima Luna tube DAC
Just for verification I hooked up my Rotel CD player which allows my to bypass its internal DAC using 75 ohm coax digital cable.  So now the comparison was Rotel DAC vs AM DAC vs PL DAC.  Same results.  Could not tell the difference between the DACs. 
Audio Mirror vs Prima Luna tube DAC
Format is Redbook cd ripped to an external hard drive in .aiff format. Played back via iTunes into one of the 3 DACs hooked into the integrated amplifier. I use the Mac to select which DAC to use as playback device. I'm using USB input on all 3 of... 
Audio Mirror vs Prima Luna tube DAC
PrimaLuna amplifier testing complete. The same - no clear winner that I could discern when SPL meter used. Other two listeners said the same about the McIntosh test, but were NOT there for the PrimaLuna test. We are all in mid to upper 50s, so hea... 
Audio Mirror vs Prima Luna tube DAC
First testing is complete.Rega 2010 Dac, PrimaLuna EVO 100, AudioMirror III SE into McIntosh MA6600 integrated into Magnepan 1.7 speakers.Cables into PrimaLuna and AudioMirror were Monoprice.Cables into Rega were Auqioquest Cinamon (supposedly an ... 
Audio Mirror vs Prima Luna tube DAC
I have both the PrimaLuna EVO 100 & AudioMirro Tubadour III SE DACs in house for an actual listening test. Much research pointed me towards R2R NOS ladder DAC and tubes. Already own PrimaLuna HP integrated and love it, so PrimaLuna was a front...