
Responses from jdvorak

System feedback coming thru speakers.....help
I have replaced fuses.....it had happened once more but now seems to be fine. for now. 
System feedback coming thru speakers.....help
it does now. :) really......should I just move back to a boom box? :) 
System feedback coming thru speakers.....help
ok, one more question. I've blown a few fuses now ont he amp.....wondering if there is "dirty" power, and/or do I need a line conditioner/filter of some sort. anyone have any knowledge/experience in this area? 
System feedback coming thru speakers.....help
PROBLEM SOLVED!!!!!!! Well, I finally spoke with Ed at CJ earlier this week and we took off the cover of the amp together (as the fuses are internal on the Sonagraph SA400). Sure enough, 2 of the 4 fuses were blown. once replaced, all is well. I w... 
System feedback coming thru speakers.....help
Dhl93449, it is constant. no matter what the source. I wonder if it isn't actually the amp, as it happens with CD, nak, 2nd CD/DVD, no matter what. I have a call into Ed at CJ too. thx! 
System feedback coming thru speakers.....help
Ok, the plot thickens. When I just hooked up my nakamichi dragon directly to my SA 400 amp, it still does the same problem. Ugh!!! Tried different interconnects as well. It sounds like a bad (distant) radio station when I play a tape.....static, w... 
System feedback coming thru speakers.....help
Great idea, Almarg! I'm flying back home from biz tonight. I will try in am with dragon. So, you believe it might be bad tubes? Note for all: It's not just a "hum". It's a thumping coupled with a static-ie feedback. 
System feedback coming thru speakers.....help
Lloydelee21, correct. nothing. no hum, no nothing. 
System feedback coming thru speakers.....help
wow, you ALL are amazing! thank you for your advice thus far. UPDATE: Still not solved, but here is what I have done. i found a grounded outlet in the house near a brand new washer/dryer my landlord recently had installed. pretty sure it's grounde... 
System feedback coming thru speakers.....help
Ok, update: Yes, I am using a 3 to 2 "cheater" plug/reducer right now. My electrician friend is coming over tomorrow night to look into my electrical scenario. Not pleasant to say the least. I did open up the pre amp. It looks like tubes 4,5 and 6... 
System feedback coming thru speakers.....help
All great advice, thx! yes, renting......just moved out of house that we built 6 years ago, so been a bit spoiled on actually 21st century technology, vs. NINETEENTH!!!! :) I have a call into my electrician today to get addressed, either way. Will... 
System feedback coming thru speakers.....help
All great points, Lloydelee21! I actually did some additional reading on here late last night and did some of your suggestions early this AM. So, when having just the amp and pre hooked up and turned on (CD/DVD still connected but now turned on) t... 
forte 4 VS. forte 4a VS. forte 7
the only difference I am aware is that the 4A is balanced (4 is not).