
Responses from jclarka

Is Smoking Really That Bad For Audio Equipment?
I can't answer that question from a strictly audio point of view, but I can tell you that I used to have a PC repair business and serviced some computers at smokers' homes. It was disgusting. At times I took PCs outside in the middle of winter jus... 
Jolida 302B/502B?
Wow... you guys have been incredibly helpful. One last thing that I thought of after just reviewing your input:Is it worth it to drop the extra few hundred to purchase the Spendor 3/1 or the 3/5 SE? Or is the 3/5 really all I would need for this s... 
Jolida 302B/502B?
Thanks so much for the responses thus far. You have been very helpful.One thing that I forgot to mention: I am in a 10x10 room which is well carpeted. Should I get a sub? If so which one and how should I integrate it into the system? I don't even ...