
Responses from jbmays

Name a few albums which helped determine your musical tastes
Cannot help but to comment on Lyle and his large band:  in the summer of (about) 2004 in Madison, WI, Aretha cancelled with short notice as the headliner in the summer MusicFest on the lake.  I had two tickets, and decided to go even though I coul... 
Where do you buy your CDs these days?
Here's a no-brainer:   go to your local public library, check out 20 CDs at a time;  preview in your car while driving over the next week or two.  Rip the ones you like at home, return all---FREE!! 
Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?
Can someone please help me through the following line of reasoning:AC current travels 2-3 miles from a transfer station at 220 volts, enters my home into a distribution/circuit breaker box, travels through 45 feet of 12 gauge solid copper wire at ... 
CD ripper
Anyone unable to have an iMac even recognize/rip older Blue Note CDs (oddly most seem to be Rudy Van Gelder versions)?  Cannot get them to be "seen" at all in disc drive; they just eject after failed reading. 
CD no more produced?
I cannot believe that no one has mentioned how incredibly valuable our public libraries are for obtaining CDs for ripping!   I drive my kids around most weekdays, and routinely stop in to grab 15-20 CDs.  I then preview them - all while driving - ... 
Dumb question #643: should speaker cables last a lifetime?
gammajo has made the observation I have been waiting for:   I too have modest quality 10G fine-strand copper speaker cable with clear sheathing.  Within 5 years, green oxidation is evident over the copper's surface throughout the length of the cab... 
Are Ohm-Walsh micros and 1000 series disrespected because of omni-directional design??
As a newcomer to mid-hi-fi sound in 1983, I stumbled onto a pair of Ohm Walsh-4's that were just a year old, and picked them up.  Fed them a diet of NAD 2400 power amp 100 w or dual-bridged 240 w juice, and no matter what, they filled a fairly lar...