

Responses from jazzmusic

Can you identify these components?
Pretty sure the power amp it is a Vincent SP-331MK or variant. 
Can you identify these components?
Thanks you guys for helping. I can ask the owner (my father) what the CD player is next time I get a chance. 
Can you identify these components?
I only have the one picture of the front of the stereo unfortunately. The CD deck is a very scarce item on the interwebs. I guess I could ask him and not run much risk of annoyance since I know what most of it is now. I found the rack in a slightl... 
Can you identify these components?
100% correct on the tuner. Probably correct on the audio rack too, but it is hard to locate one exactly like it. Maybe it is out of date or sold under another name such as SolidSteel which appears to be on the front. I spent a couple of hours surf...