
Responses from jarmideo

Stand out phono stages
With my ZYX Airy 3 going to a K & K step up transformer, I auditioned a few phono preamps. The funny thing is that I had the phono pre all along. I connected my step up xformer to my properly setup Spectral DMC 10 Gamma (which I just recently ... 
Tubes for VTL 5.5 Preamp
Thanks so much for the feedback Jim. I just mounted a ZYX R100 FS Fuji on my SME V tonearm and am blown away by the detail and quietness of the ZYX. I got my first taste of the 5.5's phono stage. You are correct about the tubes in the phono stage ... 
Tubes for VTL 5.5 Preamp
I just purchased a 5.5. I am new to tubes. I have a Spectral preamp and the bass is incredible. I've found the TL 5.5 to be very thin in the bass.It came with the following compliment of tubes:Line Level; 4 - JAN 12AT7 WC, Phillips ECG & 2 - 7...