

Responses from jaredpurdy

Whats on your turntable tonight?
Just got in the door from teaching a late class. Poured a glass of 12 year old El Dorado rum, and put on Herbie Hancock's Empyrean Isles.  Not sure what's up next, maybe some Joe Henderson. 
Help me understand John Coltrane .... seriously.
Is this question just to keep this forum alive?  Seriously?  His question is tantamount to someone asking us to teach him not to hate something, but through an on-line platform. Right.  As a MASSIVE Coltrane fan, I won't even do this question the ... 
best phono stage under 10k
$10K!!!????  Oh my, there are many SS phono stages on the market that are exceptional for a lot less than $10K.  I went through a few, Lehmann, Slee., Project, and settled on Gold Note.  Might be better out there, but it's got fabulous reviews and... 
Which Amplifier for Sonus Faber Olympica 3 Speaker
Responding to an old post, but what the heck, I'd love to hear what other's have experienced.  I purchased a pair of SF Olympica III in the fall as the price had fallen through the floor having been replaced by the Nova.  I was not convinced in th... 
Disappointing On Mcintosh......help
A few months ago I was in the market for a stereo overhaul.  I was leaving behind a NAD Master Series system, composted of the M3, M4 and M5, coupled with Sonus Faber Venere 2.5 speakers.  Also in the mix was/is a Gold Note PH10, Acoustic Solid Me... 
New cables...
After having run the new cables for most of yesterday and all of today, I can definitely say that I now hear a difference.  I'm not sure what adjectives to use, but there is even greater clarity than what was there before. Given the number of cabl... 
New cables...
Trying first was not an option.  However, you are right about the break in period.  With the exception of the Iridium power cable that I connected to the 650D, which I doubt would make that much of difference, and the High Diamond 2 RCA interconne...