
Responses from jarecneps

How do reference speakers rank to today's standard
Linkingpin if it is any help, mine are set up to also serve home theatre in a strictly 2 channel system. They sit 12 inches from the back wall and about 30 inches to the side wall. They stradle a 100 inch motorized Stewart Screen and are still fee... 
How do reference speakers rank to today's standard
I purchased a pair of Avanti Century's 2 years ago. They replaced active Linn 5140's with 6 channels of Chakra amplification. There was no contest. At the time I was looking at new Linn 212's and auditioned Sonus Faber, B&W 804 and a few other... 
Go to Home Depot and buy a 4'x8' plastic panel used in bathroooms etc. It has a diamond like shiny surface on one side. Cut the panel to what ever size you want up to 97" diagnal. You are going to use the back side which has some shiny mold marks ... 
Are Linn Tukans a bit on the bright side?
You will find that the amp in the Majik doesn't go very low in the base. Although biamping gives more punch, the overall frequency response suffers. In my opinion the sound is much better when using the Lk series amps by themselves. They are way b...