
Responses from jacknorth1178

How much does CD player affect overall sound?
Thanks to all of you who took the time to respond to my question. I think I read the general concenses is that I would have to spend major bucks to see much of an improvement. We keep lokking for that "perfect" sound that is always just beyond tge... 
What is the affect of cd player?
Golly, I didn' realize I would set off such a fire storm! Now I don't know how to ask the question. Let's forget the whole thing. Thanks guys. Jack 
What is the affect of cd player?
I agree, Bygolly. I started with my speakers. But my question is 'just how much does the cd player affect the sound in the whole system.? Would it improve y0ur sound if you moved up a couple of notches higher? 
What should I do?
Thanks guys for youre help. Partially on the basis of your input I have purchased the 17 LS2. and am anxiously awaiting its' arrival. It comes from the Minneapolis area, and luckly my daughter who lives in Minneapolis is coming down Thurs... and w... 
What should I do?
Re:Cyclonicman. Thanks for your comments. May I pick your brain a bit further? You were speaking of the 17LS. I have assumed that the 17LS2 is an improvement over the 17LS. I am told that it has the teflon caps instead of the polyestine (sp). And ... 
Which has greatest influence?
Thanks Newbee. No - had ny 90th in July. Tell me, when you go to matching pre amp to amp what are you matching? Are there som specifics to look for? Jacnorth1178 
Which has greatest influence?
In response to Newbee: You asked several questions in your post which I will try to answer: Re What I meant by 'boost' I wish I knew the vocabulary of the audiophile. It simply opened a richere, fuller sound, larger soundstage, a feeling of being ... 
Which has greatest influence?
Thanks for all of the thoughtful answers. My setup at presentstarts with a Prima Luna Pre amp, I recently added Conrad Johnson LP 705. Speakers are B&W 804s. The CJ impreoved my system greatly. Just wondered if I changed the Preamps would I ge... 
What can you tell me ?
Picky, picky. No, you are right, I should have proof read the note. Not an excuse but I bought a new wireless keyboard and it is ultra sensitive. Takes some getting used to..My speakers are B&W 804s.Cheers 
What can you tell me ?
Thought you might be interested in how it all came out in the end. After much cogitating and considering I puchased a Conrad Johnson ET250. This necessitated a complete makeover od my Study.;B ut it was allworth itr\. I am extremely satisfied with... 
What can you tell me ?
Riell; I have B&W 805s and my room is 12'X15' Prior ro my present amp (Mcintosh MC7278) I had an Anthem and a Prima Luna Prologue 6. I am not happy with the Mc. 
What amp for B&W 804?
Thanks fellows. Would I go wrong with a Bel Canto or a Passe? Appreciate your redsponse. J North1178 
Primaluna opinions wanted
I have owned Peima Luna 3 preamp and pl 6 amp for a couple of years and have been very pleased with it. I am one of those who mooved from ss to tube. I have not regretted the move. However, those of us who enjoy great mudic are always looking for ...