

Responses from j_badov

Best Isolation HRS? SRA? Zoethecus? Symposium?
Guidocorona; Thanks for your Christmas Cheer, Ha Ha Ha, love it! 
Best Isolation HRS? SRA? Zoethecus? Symposium?
TBG, Kuzma uses a silcone, fluid damped isolator in their Reference Turntable to excellent effect. I've not used another fluid (apart from air) system."...or you could partially fill the bladders with fluids as Kworks does. Filling the center with... 
Best Isolation HRS? SRA? Zoethecus? Symposium?
Hey Geoff, I must agree. Cheers and Happy Holidays. Sorry I was not trying to knock you or anything else. Just a good lively debate. Thanks for keeping me on my toes.Depleted uranium is a great idea, it may also have many other sonic benefits. ;-) 
Best Isolation HRS? SRA? Zoethecus? Symposium?
Hey Geoff with out getting into a pissing match here. We may be talking about two different things.I am not discussing the resonant frequency here. I am discussing the use of mass to keep the platform in place. Things at rest tend to stay at rest.... 
Best Isolation HRS? SRA? Zoethecus? Symposium?
GeoffkaitNice to know that four course on vibration I took in university can be boiled down to one easy sentence Geoff. It is far more complex in study than what you have stated. It has everything to do with inertia. "The heavy mass used in Vibrap... 
Best Isolation HRS? SRA? Zoethecus? Symposium?
Geoffkait - I can see where you are a little confused and having difficulty understanding seismic isolation."If what you said were actually true, the mass of the entite house (much more than 150 lb) would provide sufficient isolation."We are talki... 
Best Isolation HRS? SRA? Zoethecus? Symposium?
No doubt here that the Vibraplane is the best isolation device on the market. That being said there are a couple of reasons for this. In order to isolate properly you must have a combination of mass and isolation. You must decouple from the surfac...