
Responses from individual1

My Demo results: I feel like I'm at a frustrating block in my speaker journey
1. Electronics need to match the speakers. In fact, the entire system, cables and all, needs to work together. But the ’wrong’ power or pre-amp and great sounding speakers will suck.2. Once you've selected the speakers and electronics, the room ma... 
Speaker advice for listening to Blues music
And don't worry about all the power cleaning, cable audiophile thing. There are times to get your head out of the toy box and listen. I can tell you this as my current system uses Sonus Faber Stradivari powered by Audia Flight Strumento No 4 (prev... 
Speaker advice for listening to Blues music
91 messages in, I may be late to the blues party - but let me suggest a pair of JBL 4300 series speakers with Mcintosh amp/preamp. For your room, restored vintage 4344 speakers would be great, but you could put your head into the music with a pair... 
Best amp for Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario?
I'm loving the AR Reference 210, but could imagine the 250 monoblocks as delicious.