
Responses from homunculus

Questions for Roy Johnson of Green Mountain Audio
Wow, you smell a rat? Must be your.............oh forget it!I was asking these questions on the 'Gon because other potential customers may benefit from seeing his responses. Also, it is nice to have information from manufacturers to look back on. ... 
Virtual Dynamics Power Cords Master Series
The VD Mastere series cables are amazing. If I could afford them, they would be in my system! 
Need your thoughts on Denon 3910 vs McCormack UDP1
I would go with the UDP-1. In the event that you dont like it, a non-modified product is almost ALWAYS easier to sell than a modified unit.I have heard the UDP-1 and I share the sentiments of the following review; it can compete with the best redb... 
Sim Audio Eclipse LE ..comments.
This is a GREAT sounding CD player and an ergonomic pleasure. Build quality is top notch too. I have owned: Wadia 861, AA Capitole Mk 2, newest Audiomeca, and the "regular" eclipse. While the regular eclipse deserves to be mentioned in this catego...