

Responses from hmongon

~$15K floorstanders: opinions sought
If you can get them go for Wilson Benesch, British high end speakers. I had the ActOne for years but like you wanted looks AND performance in all depts, so bought 2nd hand pair of Chimera. All carbon fibre, beautiful curves, only 7 inches across t... 
Ultimate power condotioner
I lived in London. Had new basement built and new mains so had the chance to sheath and earth it to eradicate RFI. Next, added a fuse box before the main house fuse box (important so reduces house interference). Used a Russ Andrews twin outlet sup... 
What used speakers raraely come up for sale
Wilson Benesch Chimera..seen for £5k recently, were £24k. Utterly fabulous. I had the Acts for 10years these are way better but same sound signature.