
Responses from hfeiner6c15

Is a Koetsu Rosewood Sig Overkill for my JMW 9Sig?
Show me a person who hates the ZYX UNIverse .24 Copper....and I will show you a person who is tired of music! 
Is a Koetsu Rosewood Sig Overkill for my JMW 9Sig?
The analogue audio world is composed of 2 groups.....those that love Koetsus.......and the rest!I have just bought a ZYX UNIverse after having Lyra Titan i,Lyra Helicon, Clearaudio Signature, Koetsu 52nd Anniversary, Koetsu Rosewood Sig.The Koetsu... 
Can you imagine a world without vinyl?
We're all preaching to the converted here!!???......go to some other sites for the majority view that CDs and digital not only sound as well...but BETTER than vinyl??!...and how many reviewers in TAS and Stereophile (including the once venerable H... 
Which upgrades for my Rega Planar 3?
The Rega 3 is a very under-rated deck. I've had mine for over 25 years and it has out-performed Linns and Sota Cosmos regularly.The trick is really the arm that you use.....I've used a 30 year old Hadcock GH 228 unipivot which the Graham and VPI u...