
Responses from heliotrope132

I'm wondering why they are not really the best, Is it due to one of these; better price, better advertising, better distribution, or simply a better product. I'll go for a better product with less failures as possible and easy customer support.... 
Seems like the people with the high end loudspeakers are using JL AUDIO. Is REL Midfi?......are you for real?... What is for real is despite JL being made in the US....I see reports on here sharing shoddy support and some multiple failures but ... 
Tone controls -- assuming you're ok with them, when would you try them?
a standing debate whether tone controls are worth the (likely) sound degradation Which is a silly debate when the mixing console your music was made on has tone controls all over the signal chain. If the circuit is designed well, the tone contr... 
C49- or c8 preamp
Have both SS and tubes. To me, the bottom end on the SS Mac like the current C52 is tighter than the C2700 which is great for rock, jazz and blues but the latter seems to have a nice warmth and girth to the sound that the SS model does not have an... 
McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer
 I happened to hear a system with Mcintosh separates by complete chance. I sat down and ended up getting lost in the music and after 30 minutes the owner came up behind me and squeezed my trapezius muscles (neck/shoulder) to find they were both r... 
McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer
I don’t get the McIntosh hate.... I can’t understand why people say McIntosh sounds flat, or like someone put a wet blanket over their speakers. Some people have hearing that is less sensitive than they'd like to admit. Couple that with the sub... 
McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer
However Macintosh does appeal to a certain demographic; my friends and I call it the Harley Davidson of hi fi. Good luck having a Harley go without servicing as long as a Mac does. The comparison is one i've heard before but not accurate given ... 
What is an audiophile? Are you an audiophile?
I don't ever use the word "audiophile" to label myself because I just like good music and good sound -whatever form it comes in. From my experience, many audiophiles are pretty pretentious so I tend to avoid such groups, don't tell people I like h... 
McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer
"real audiophiles...know it doesn’t sound that good"... Sounds like some people want to gatekeep what a "real audiophile" is when the term is based on sound preference. To push that exclusivity is pointless because all you have are a bunch of far...