
Responses from hboden

Potential relief for tinnitus?
Here are some useful tips for managing tinnitus. (No cures offered, sorry.) 1. Download the app "ReSound". I have tried it and find it offsets the effects of tinnitus well. Not a cure, but relieves the symptoms. 2. Moderate your intake of alcoho... 
Should I buy a seperate dac?
Your CD player (NAD C538) uses a Wolfson WM8740 DAC chip. As far as I know (internet reviews), this is a high quality chip, so to get a discernible upgrade in SQ, you might want to consider R2R DACs such as Denafrips, Holo Audio. First try to do a... 
Should I buy a seperate dac?
Last year, I purchased a DAC (Chord Qutest), and it has been the biggest upgrade to SQ in my system. I often listen to streamed music, and this is where I noticed a big improvement. I did not see much improvement in CDs, though. My CD player is a ... 
Replacing Bryston 4BST for Aerial 10Ts
I own a 4B3 and use it to drive PMC 25.26i. It's superb. I also have a 3BSST and have used 3BST and 4BSST in the past. They are all good, but I like the sound of the cubed series the best. Personally, I've always felt the 3B line is the goldilocks...