
Responses from hartooo133b

Krell KAV-400xi or Bryston B100 SST ?
Krell is a decent amp but you should go with Bryston. Bryston is better and a good match with PMC. 
My new CDP FMJ 23 Impressions
I own this CDP. My impressions are similar: It's an excellent player, transparent, with very good low level resolution and giving you lots of ambience information. The treble is very smooth, non fatiguing.Drawbacks: slightly lacking in bass slam a... 
paradigm studio 100 VS. triangle celius
I've listened to Triangle Celius (among others) with SS and it was a disappointment to me. 
Audio Physic Virgo3 owners
I own JMlab Electra 926. Before purchasing them I listened to Virgo3 (in similar system) among others. Electra is on par with Virgo so how could you downgrade replacing Virgo with Utopia. 
Be-wire or not be-wire Jmlab Electra 926?
Thanks for your suggestions.I use a single run of Analysis Plus Oval 9 so far.